Six animated characters stand in front of a dreary institution with the name "Home Hospital for Irrecoverable Children." The people include a little boy and girl, a kind-loooking nanny, a mean-looking nanny, a stoic doctor and a grandfather-like security guard.
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IZIDOR the film is finished!


IZIDOR is a 30-minute film with 8 minutes of animation. The animation process was laborious and complicated, with Director David Kabbe working alongside Animation Supervisor John Kujawa to ensure the animation conveyed its important emotional messaging. We were also thrilled to add to this team two people from the prestigious Savannah College of Art and Design, Professor Ahmed Elmatarawi and a gradating, talented animator, Alani Sanders.


French Sound Designer Benjamin Jacquier created a detailed palate of sound for our film, including a haunting recording of children made at his local elementary school. Dominic Camardella, an industry-recognized audio engineer and producer, mixed Ben's sound effects and Jesper Ankarfeldt's score and made them come alive, stirring viewers' hearts with how just a small light shining in the darkness sparks hope.

Director David Kabbe, Producer Sarah Padbury, and Audio Engineer Dominic Camardella in the sound studio


Tony Leech, a director/writer/editor in his own right (Hoodwinked! Escape from Planet Earth), rounded out our post-production team, capping the film's final look. His added touch completed the film's beauty and impact.

David Kabbe and Tony Leech


FILM FESTIVALS: We are applying to film festivals around the world to showcase the film and its message:

IZIDOR humanizes “the orphan” by uncovering a need we all have: to belong. This human connection transcends culture and time, making the lessons learned in 1988 communist Romania relevant today.


ONLINE Private Screenings: All DONORS will receive an email with a private link to watch the film!

IN-PERSON Private Screenings: Available for organizations/groups by contacting Exec. Producer Sarah Padbury ([email protected]).

 MOVIE PREMIERE: Public screenings to be available in 2026 (after the festival circuit).

A lone apple hangs from a tree branch

We are so grateful for the 150+ people who partnered with us to make this film with their tax-deductible donations. With your partnership, we created a beautiful and moving short story that will have big impact for children all over the world!


Please consider a gift to Izidor Story to help distribute the film. Our initial distribution fundraising goal is $50,000 to start the festival circuit. We are going into the very competitive open market, so every dollar counts! In addition, we are looking for organizations and donors who want to discuss partnership options. Thank you!

Donations are processed by The Film Collaborative, a nonprofit offering fiscal sponsorship to filmmakers.


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