
Izidor featured in article on Stirile ProTV website

Stirile ProTV: Bucharest, Romania

Washington Post: Povestea lui Izidor, orfanul care a scapat din “Casa Irecuperabililor”. De ce vrea sa se intoarca in Romania Romania’s Stirile Pro TV story about Izidor’s efforts to speak out on behalf of Romanian orphans in the US. Read the full story at Stirile Pro TV

Article about Izidor on Madrid, Spain

Psicosis y depresión, el legado de 170.000 niños de los orfanatos de la era Ceascescu Spanish news coverage of Izidor and the plight of Romanian orphans on Jan. 31, 2014. Read the full article on

Washington Post cover image of Izidor

Washington Post: A lost boy finds his calling

Orphan no more: Adoption freed Izidor Ruckel from the hell of his Romanian orphanage. But his physical and mental scars aren’t easily escapable. He picks up a camera — the tool that hastened his rescue — to try to spare others from suffering … Read the full story and watch the video at The Washington…

Izidor and Alex making documentary in 2013

Romania-USA: Chicago, USA

Alex si Izidor doi copii adoptati in anii ’90 din orfelinatele din Romania, de catre 2 familii de americani, au inceput filmarile la un proiect de film documentar independent Alex King, the award winning filmmaker and director and editor of “Born To Be Our Children, Romanian Adoption Stories” has joined forces with Izidor Ruckel author…

Romanian newspaper front page

Actual Baia Mare, Romania

Povestea socanta a doi tineri din “Casa Irecuperabililor” din Sighetu Marmatiei. Ei au fost adoptati de familii de americani Article about Izidor and Alex King’s new documentary Given Our Chance. Read the article at