
Público: Lisbon, Portugal

Público: Lisbon, Portugal

O rapaz do documentário Article in Portuguese newspaper Público about Izidor and Alex King making their documentary Given Our Chance about Romanian orphans on Mar. 9, 2014. Read full article in Público.

Onet: Kraków, Poland

Onet: Kraków, Poland

Dziecko z piekła Article on Poland’s Onet featuring Izidor’s story. Original story removed from online access.

teinteresa.es: Madrid, Spain

teinteresa.es: Madrid, Spain

Psicosis y depresión, el legado de 170.000 niños de los orfanatos de la era Ceascescu Spanish news coverage of Izidor and the plight of Romanian orphans on Jan. 31, 2014. Read the full article on teinteresa.es