
Izidor interviewed on TVR

TVR: Bucharest, Romania

Abandonaţi pe viaţă. Poveşti din orfelinatele groazei. Izidor Ruckel, several other adoptees, and government officials discuss Romanian international adoption issues. Watch the TVR story here.

Izidor on Radio Transilvania

Izidor Ruckel concludes 2-month tour of Romania

Izidor Ruckel returned to the United States in early May after a two-month stay in Romania, his birth country. Due to major press coverage around the country and across Europe throughout his trip, citizens began approaching Ruckel in every city he toured, including Bucharest, Cluj, Brasov, and Oreada. Several national and international media outlets interviewed…

Izidor interviewed on Radio Transilvania

Radio Transilvania: Cluj, Romania

Radio Transilvania interview with international adoptees Izidor Ruckel, Veronica Clark and Alex Kush in Cluj, Romania. “My goal in Romania is to create advocacy with citizens within the country. [Also,] the purpose for international adoption that I am personally fighting for is the children with  special needs – those that cannot be adopted by Romanian families – should…

Stirile TVR story Izidor and Alex

TVR 1: Brașov, Romania

lvaţi din orfelinate. Acum vor ei să ajute copiii orfani din România A Stirile TVR1 news story announcing Izidor and Alex Kush’s speaking engagement in Brașov, Romania. “…After nearly a quarter century, Isidor and Alexander, two young adopted from the former communist Romania, now returned to the country to help children in orphanages…” (Story archived.)

Article about Izidor in Romanian Global News

Romanian Global News: Bucharest, Romania

Izidor Ruckel îşi reîntâlneşte, în România, familia biologică care l-a abandonat şi colegii din orfelinatul groazei de la Sighet, la 24 de ani de la adopţie Romanian Global News featured Izidor’s spring 2015 trip to Romania and his efforts to help the country’s orphans. (Story archived.)

TV Host Catalin Maruta and Izidor Ruckel on the set of "La Maruta"

Izidor Ruckel a hit on live Romanian TV

Ruckel’s Facebook page explodes during six nights of live interviews on ProTV’s “La Măruță” BUCHAREST, ROMANIA 3/17/15: Izidor Ruckel’s scheduled 2-day interview on ProTV’s “La Măruță” was extended to 6 days on the live broadcast as the show’s ratings skyrocketed last week. Izidor surprised the audience by revealing his adoptive mother, Marlys Ruckel, had returned…