
Outline of Romania with flag colors on it

Izidor Ruckel to visit Romania

Former Romanian orphan to meet with officials to discuss improving orphan’s conditions DENVER, CO, 1/15/15: Izidor Ruckel, America’s most well-known Romanian adoptee, is traveling to Romania in March to meet with government officials and child welfare workers to discuss ways to improve living conditions for the country’s orphans, including those living in institutions and in…

World Magazine article about Izidor

World Magazine: From orphan to advocate

Izidor Ruckel works the night shift at a Denver Walmart. Adopted from Romania in 1991 at age 11, he also speaks around the United States about the plight of Romanian orphans, especially those with special needs … Read the full story here at World Magazine

Alex and Izidor picture on Publico

Público: Lisbon, Portugal

O rapaz do documentário Article in Portuguese newspaper Público about Izidor and Alex King making their documentary Given Our Chance about Romanian orphans on Mar. 9, 2014. Read full article in Público.